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Raymond Michel Duch
Address: Nuffield College, New Road, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 1NF
Email Address:
Contact Number: 44 +1 865 278 515
Fax: 44 +1 865 278 621
Academic Positions Held
2008 | Director, Centre for Experimental Social Sciences, Nuffield College, University of Oxford. |
2012-2020 | Official Fellow, Nuffield College, University of Oxford. |
2006-2012 | Professorial Fellow, Nuffield College and University Professor of Quantitative Political Science, University of Oxford. |
2003-2006 | Senator Don Henderson Scholar in Political Science, University of Houston. |
1997-2006 | Director, Social Science Data Lab, University of Houston. |
2001-2003 | Professor, Political Science Department, University of Houston. |
1990-2001 | Associate Professor, Political Science Department, University of Houston. |
2003-2006 | Senator Don Henderson Scholar in Political Science, University of Houston. |
1982-1990 | Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, University of Houston. |
1981-1982 | Assistant Professor, State University of New York. |
Other Research Affiliations
2015 | Long Term Visiting Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies in Toulouse (IAST), Toulouse School of Economics. |
Visiting Positions
2012-2013 | Visiting Professor, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Spain. |
2000 | Visiting Scholar, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. |
1995-1996 | Visiting Scholar, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. |
1993 | Visiting Scholar, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin Fur Sozialforschung, Berlin. |
2002 | Visiting Scholar, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Montreal, Quebec. |
Recent Professional Activities
2024- | Toulouse School of Economics Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse Scientific Council. |
2024- | Editorial Board, Political Science Research and Methods. |
2022- | Co-Editor, Cambridge University Press Comparative Political Behavior Elements Series. |
2014 - 2021 | U.K. Cabinet Office Cross-Whitehall Trial Advice Panel. |
2016-2018 | Vice President, Midwest Political Science Association. |
2017 | Editorial Board, Journal of Experimental Political Science. |
2014 | Convenor, International Meeting series on Experimental and Behavioral Economics (IMEBESS). |
2011 | Executive Director, European Political Science Association. |
1982 | University of Rochester, Ph.D. |
1978 | University of Rochester, M.A. |
1975 | University of Manitoba, B.A. Honours. |
Articles Refereed Journals
- “Governing in the face of a global crisis: When do voters punish and reward incumbent governments?”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2025).
Download Paper - “The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election PoSSUM Poll” (with Roberto Cerina), PS: Political Science & Politics (2024).
Download Paper - “Access to healthcare services during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional analysis of income and user-access across 16 economically diverse countries”, BMC Public Health (2024).
Download Paper - “How to Detect Heterogeneity in Conjoint Experiments” (with Thomas S. Robinson), Journal of Politics (2024).
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Online Appendix
Replication Data - “Deepfake detection with and without content warnings” (with Andrew Lewis, Patrick Vu, and Areeq Chowdhury), Royal Society Open Science (November 2023).
Download Paper - “Financial Incentives for COVID-19 Vaccines in a Rural Low-Resource Setting: a Cluster-Randomized Trial” (with Edward Asiedu et al), Nature Medicine (2023).
Download Paper - “Prevalence, Predictors and Reasons for COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Results of a Global Online Survey” (with Paolo Candio, Mara Violato, Philip M. Clarke, and Laurence S. J. Roope), Health Policy (August 2023).
Download Paper - “Cash versus lottery video messages: online COVID-19 vaccine incentives experiment”, Oxford Economics. Volume 2, 2023, odad004.
Download Paper - “The COVID-19 Pandemic and Health-Related Quality of Life Across 13 High and Low-Middle Income Countries: a Cross-Sectional Analysis” (with with Mara Violato et al), PLOS Medicine (April 2023).
Download Paper - “A Randomized Controlled Trial to Test Financial Incentives for COVID-19 Vaccination in Ghana” (with Edward Asiedu, Ryota Nakamura, Thomas Rouyard, Carlos Yevenes, Laurence Roope, Mara Violato, and Philip Clarke), Nature Medicine (June 2022).
Download Paper - “Reply to Timpka et al.: Perceived Corruption and Preferences for COVID-19 Vaccine Allocations” (with Thomas Robinson et all), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2022).
Download Paper - “Polling India via Regression and Post-Stratification of Non-Probability Online Samples” (with Roberto Cerina), PLOS ONE (2021).
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Replication Data - “Is There Broad-Based Support in High-Income Countries for COVID-19 Vaccine Donation? Evidence from Seven Countries” (with Laurence Roope et al), Applied Health Economics and Health Policy (2021).
Download Paper - “Gender Differences in Perceived Risk of COVID-19” (with Andrew Lewis), Social Science Quarterly (2021).
Download Paper - “Who Should Be First in Line for the COVID-19 Vaccine? Surveys in 13 Countries of the Public’s Preferences for Prioritisation” (with Philip Clarke et al), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2021).
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Replication Data - “Collective Decision Making and the Economic Vote” (with Albert Falco-Gimeno). Comparative Political Studies (Forthcoming).
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Replication Data - “Lessons from the Pandemic on the Value of Research Infrastructure” (with Laurence Roope; Paolo Candio; Vasiliki Kiparoglou; Helen McShane; Philip M. Clarke). Health Research Policy and System (2021).
Download Paper - “Public Opinion on Global Rollout of COVID-19 Vaccines” (with Laurence S. J. Roope, Mara Violato, Alessia Melegaro, Peter John Loewen, Jorge Friedman, Jean-Francois Bonnefon, Adrian Barnett, and Philip M Clarke). Nature Medicine Correspondence (2021).
Download Paper - “Choice Architecture Improves Pension Selection” (with Paulina Granados, Denise Laroze, Mauricio Lopez, Marian Ormeno, and Ximena Quintanilla). Applied Economics (2021).
Download Paper - “How Should a Safe and Effective COVID-19 Vaccine be Allocated? Health Economists Need to be Ready to Take the Baton” (with Laurence S. J. Roope, John Buckell, Frauke Becker, Paolo Candio, Mara Violato, Jody L Sindelar, Adrian Barnett, and Philip M Clarke). PharmacoEconomics Open (2020).
Download Paper - “Nativist Policy: The Comparative Effects of Trumpian Politics on Migration Decisions” (with Tom Robinson, Denise Laroze, and Constantin Reinprecht). Political Science Research and Methods (2020).
Download Paper - “Measuring Public Opinion via Digital Footprints” (with Roberto Cerina). International Journal of Forecasting. (2020).
Download Paper - “Multi-Modes for Detecting Experimental Measurement Error” (with Denise Laroze, Thomas Robinson, and Pablo Beramendi), Working Paper, Nuffield College Centre for Experimental Social Sciences, Political Analysis (2020).
Download Paper | Appendix - “Where will the British Go? And Why?” (with Denise Laroze, Constantin Reinprecht, Thomas Robinson), Social Science Quarterly (2019). Download Paper
- “Ethnocentrism versus Group-specific Stereo-typing in Immigration Opinion: Cross-National Evidence on the Distinctiveness of Immigrant Groups” (with Tobias B.Konitzer et al). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (2018). Download Paper
- “North American Public Opinion on Health and Smoking” (with Kent Tedin and Laron Williams). Public Opinion Quarterly (2018). Download Paper
- “ENudgen für die Rentenentscheidung im Vereinigten Königreich – Implikationen für die Privatisierung der Rentenpolitik” (with Sönke Ehret). DIW Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung (2018). Download Paper
- “Economic and Cultural Drivers of Immigrant Support Worldwide,” (with Nicholas A. Valentino et al). British Journal of Political Science (2017). Download Paper
- “Who Should be Called to the Lab? A Comprehensive Comparison of Students and Non-students in Classic Experimental Games‚” (with Michele Belot and Luis Miller). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation (2015). Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch, Wojtek Przepiorka and Randy Stevenson. “Responsibility Attribution for Collective Decision Makers‚”. American Journal of Political Science (2015). Download Paper | Download Appendix | Download Replication Data | Download Replication Code
- Shanto Iyengar et al (including Raymond Duch) “Do Attitudes About Immigration Predict Willingness to Admit Individual Immigrants? A Cross-National Test of the Person-Positivity Bias.‚” Public Opinion Quarterly, (2013). Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch and Randy Stevenson.”Voter Perceptions of Agenda Power and Attribution of Responsibility for Economic Performance.” Electoral Studies (2013). Download Paper | Download Appendix
- Randy Stevenson and Raymond M. Duch.” The Meaning and Use of Subjective Perceptions in Models of Economic Voting.” Electoral Studies (June, 2013). Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch and Paul Kellstedt. “The Heterogeneity of Consumer Sentiment in an Increasingly Homogeneous Global Economy.” Electoral Studies (September 2011) 30(3):399-405. Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch and Randy Stevenson.”Context and Economic Expectations: When Do Voters get it Right?‚” British Journal of Political Science (January 2011) 41:1-31. Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch, Jeff May and David Armstrong. ‚”Coalition-Directed Voting in Multi-Party Democracies.‚” American Political Science Review (November 2010) 104(4): 698-719. Download Paper
- David Armstrong and Raymond M. Duch. ‚”Why can Voters Anticipate Post-election Coalition Formation Likelihoods‚” Electoral Studies (2010) 29(3): 308-315. Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch and Randy Stevenson. ‚”The Global Economy, Competency and the Economic Vote.‚” Journal of Politics (January, 2010) 72(1): 105-123. Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch and Randy Stevenson. ‚”Assessing the Magnitude of the Economic Vote over Time and Across Nations‚” Electoral Studies (September 2006) 25(3):528-47. Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch and Randy Stevenson. “Context and the Economic Vote: A Multi-level Analysis‚” Political Analysis (Autumn, 2005) 13(4): 387-409. Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch and Harvey Palmer. “It’s Not Whether You Win or Lose, But How You Play the Game: Self-Interest, Social Justice, and Mass Attitudes toward Market Transition.‚” American Political Science Review (August, 2004) 98(3):437-452. Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch and Kaare Strom. “Liberty, Authority, and the New Politics: A Reconsideration.‚” Journal of Theoretical Politics (January, 2004 Volume 16 (3): 233-262. Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch and Harvey Palmer. “Strategic Voting in Post-communist Democracy.‚” British Journal of Political Science (January, 2002) 32(1): 63-91. Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch ‚”A Developmental Model of Heterogeneous Economic Voting in New Democracies‚” American Political Science Review (December, 2001) 95 (4):895-910. Download Paper
- Harvey Palmer and Raymond M. Duch. “Do Surveys Provide Representative or Whimsical Assessments of the Economy‚” Political Analysis (2001) 9: 58-77. Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch, Harvey Palmer and Christopher Anderson. “Heterogeneity in Perceptions of National Economic Conditions.” American Journal of Political Science (2000) (October) 44:635-649. Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch. “The Electoral Connection and Democratic Consolidation.” Electoral Studies (1998) 17:149-174. Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch and Michaell Taylor. “Economics and the Vulnerability of Pan European Institutions.‚” Political Behavior (1997). Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch. “Economic Chaos and the Fragility of Democratic Transition in Former Communist Regimes.” Journal of Politics. (February, 1995). Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch and Michaell Taylor. A Reply to Abramson and Inglehart’s ‚”Education, Security, and Postmaterialism.” American Journal of Political Science. 38: 398-411 (August 1994). Download Paper
- James L. Gibson and Raymond M. Duch. ‚”Postmaterialism and the Emerging Soviet Democracy.” Political Research Quarterly. (March, 1994).
- James L. Gibson and Raymond M. Duch.”Political Intolerance in the USSR: The Distribution and Etiology of Mass Opinion.” Comparative Political Studies. (October, 1993).
- Raymond M. Duch. “Tolerating Economic Reform: Popular Support for Transition to a Free Market in the Former Soviet Union.” American Political Science Review. 87:590-608 (September 1993). Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch and Michaell Taylor. “Post-Materialism and the Economic Condition.” American Journal of Political Science. 37: 747-778 (August 1993). Download Paper
- James L. Gibson, Raymond M. Duch and Kent Tedin. “Democratic Values and the Transformation of the Soviet Union,” Journal of Politics 54 (May, 1992):329-371. Download Paper
- James L. Gibson and Raymond M. Duch. “Attitudes Toward Jews and the Soviet Political Culture,” Journal of Soviet Nationalities, 2 (Spring, 1992), 77-117.
- James L. Gibson and Raymond M. Duch. “Anti-Semitic Attitudes of the Mass Public: Estimates and Explanations Based on a Survey of the Moscow Oblast,‚” Public Opinion Quarterly, 56 (Spring, 1992), 1-28.
- Raymond M. Duch and James L. Gibson. “Putting Up With Fascists in Western Europe: A Comparative, Cross-National Analysis of Political Tolerance,‚” Western Political Quarterly, 45 (March, 1992).
- James L. Gibson and Raymond M. Duch. ‚”Elitist Theory and Political Tolerance in Western Europe.” Political Behavior 13 (September, 1991).
- Raymond M. Duch. ‚”The Politics of Investment by the Nationalized Sector‚” Western Political Quarterly (Spring, 1990).
- Raymond M. Duch. “Individual Freedom in Eastern Europe.‚” Houston Update. 3 October, 1988.
- The Economic Vote: How Political and Economic Institutions Condition Election Results. Cambridge University Press (2008) (with Randy Stevenson).
Purchase The Economic Vote
Online Appendix with Supporting Data - Privatizing the Economy: Telecommunications Policy in Comparative Perspective. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press (1991).
Monographs, Book Chapters and Invited Submissions
- Raymond M. Duch und Sönke Ehret. Nudgen für die Rentenentscheidung im Vereinigten Königreich – Implikationen für die Privatisierung der Rentenpolitik. DIW Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung. 02/2018. Download Paper
- Raymond M. Duch and Inaki Sagarzazu. ”Election Campaigns, Public Opinion and the Financial Crisis of 2008-2010 in the U.K. and Germany‚” in Nancy Bermeo and Larry M. Bartels, eds. Mass Politics in Tough Times: Opinion, Votes and Protest in the Great Recession. Russell Sage Foundation and Oxford University Press. 2013. Download Paper
- “European Political Science Association and the Internationalization of Political Science”. Comparative Politics Newsletter. 2012.
- “Selecting Obama: The 2008 Economic Vote in Context”. Political Economy Newsletter 2009.
- “Comparative Studies of the Economy and the Vote”. Encyclopedia of Comparative Politics, Eds. Carles Boix and Susan Stokes. 2007. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Raymond M. Duch and Harvey D. Palmer. “Heterogeneous Perceptions of Economic Conditions in Cross-National Perspective”, chapter in Economic Voting, eds. Han Dorussen and Michaell Taylor (New York: Routledge). 2002.
- Raymond M. Duch. “Participation in the New Democracies of Central and Eastern Europe: Cultural versus Rational Choice Explanations”. In Samuel Barnes and Janos Simon, eds. The Postcommunist Citizen Budapest: Erasumus Foundation. 1998.
- Raymond M. Duch. “Rationality” In The Encyclopedia of Democracy, ed. Seymour Martin Lipset, Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Books. 1995
- James Gibson and Raymond M. Duch. “Political Culture in the Emerging Soviet Democracy”. In The New Soviet Citizen: Public Opinion in the Gorbachev Era, ed., Arthur H. Miller, William M. Reisinger, and Vicki L. Heslie. Boulder, Col.: Westview Press (1993). (co-authored).
- James Gibson and Raymond M. Duch. “Support for Rights in Western Europe and the Soviet Union: An Analysis of the Beliefs of Mass Publics”. In Research on Democracy and Society, Volume I, Democratization in Eastern and Western Europe. Edited by Frederick D. Weil. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1993. (co-authored).
- Raymond M. Duch. “Investment Subsidy Programs in Comparative Perspective,‚” in Holzer and Nagel, eds., Productivity and Public Policy, Beverly Hills, Cal.: Sage Publications, 1984.
Working Papers
- “Cash versus Lotteries: COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives Experiment” (with Barnett, Adrian and Filipek, Maciej and Roope, Laurence and Violato, Mara and Clarke, Philip), 2021.
Download Paper - “Who should be first in line for the COVID-19 vaccine? Surveys in 13 countries of the public’s preferences for prioritisation” (with Philip Clarke et al), 2021.
Download Paper - “Economic Beliefs and the Local Coronavirus Pandemic” (with Thomas Robinson and Peiran Jiao), 2020.
- “Understanding Exponential Growth Amid Pandemic: An International Perspective” (with Alexander Podkul, Kevin DeLuca, Eduard Krkoska, Stephen Ansolabehere, Scott Tranter, and Liberty Vittert), 2020 [Under Review].
- “Pivotal Decision Making, Agenda Power and Collective Responsibility Attribution” (with Rodrigo Caputo), Working Paper, Nuffield Centre for Experimental Social Sciences, 2020 [Under Review].
Download Paper - “The Moral Cost of Lying” (with Denise Laroze and Alexei Zakharov), Working Paper, Nuffield College Centre for Experimental Social Sciences, 2020 [Under Review].
Download Paper - “U.S. Economic Policy Uncertainty is Presidential” (with Rodrigo Caputo), Working Paper, Nuffield College Centre for Experimental Social Sciences, 2019 [Under Review].
Commissioned Reports
- “Vacunacion contra el COVID-19 en Colombia: opinion publica sobre su priorizacion y distribucion” (with Juan Vargas, Shana Warren, Margarita Cabra and Ana Maria Diaz). For Innovations for Poverty Action and Departemento Nacionale Planeacion Colombia. (2021).
- Impacto de la Comunicacion Trimestral del Estado del Credito Hipotecario en las decisiones financieras del consumidor: Evidencia experimental y opciones de rediseno. For Chile Servicio Nacional del Consumidor Subdireccion de Consumo Financiero Coordinacion de Economia del Comportamiento (2020).
- “Increasing consumer engagement in the annuities market: can prompts raise shopping around?” (with Oxera). For the Financial Conduct Authority (2016).
Conference Participation
- “U.S. Economic Policy is Presidential” (with Rodrigo Caputo). Paper delivered at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Royal Economic Association, Warwick, U.K., April 15-18, 2019.
- “U.S. Economic Policy is Presidential” (with Rodrigo Caputo). Paper delivered at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 4-7, 2019.
- “Multiple Policy Fields and the Economic Vote” (with Dimitri Lamda and Patrick LeBihan). Paper delivered at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 4-7, 2019.
- “Election Forecasting Using Individual-Level Social Media Data: A Methodology” (with Roberto Cerina). Paper delivered at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Associa- tion, Chicago, IL, April 4-7, 2019.
- “Election Forecasting Using Individual-Level Social Media Data: A Methodology” (with Roberto Cerina). Paper delivered at the 2019 Annual Asian Political Economy Meeting, Doshisa Uni- versity, Kyoto, Japan, January 5-6, 2019.
- “Once a Liar Always a Liar” (with Alexei Zakarov and Denise Laroze). Paper delivered on the Panel on Social Preferences with Not WEIRD (Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democratic) People, 2019 Annual ASSA Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 6, 2019.
- “Making Sense of the Macro-economy by Recovering Redistribution Preferences” (with Hector Solaz). Paper delivered at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 11-14, 2013.
- “Private versus Public Other-regarding Preferences and Redistribution” (with Inaki Sagarzazu). Paper delivered at the 2012 Meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, April 12-15, 2012.
- “Responsibility Attribution for Collective Decision Makers” (with Wojtek Przepiorka and Randy Stevenson). Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association Seattle, WA September 1-4, 2011.
- “A Contextual Theory of the Origins of Consumer Confidence” (with Paul Kellstedt). Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association June 16-18, 2011.
- “Voter Reasoning, Heuristics and the Coalition-directed Vote in Germany with a Danish Post-script” (with Robert Tyran). Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association June 16-18, 2011.
- “Responsibility Attribution for Collective Decision Makers” (with Wojtek Przepiorka and Randy Stevenson). Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association June 16-18, 2011.
- “Strategic Economic Voting”. Paper prepared for presentation at the 2006 Annual Meeting of EPOP, 8-10 September 2006, Nottingham England.
- “Strategic Economic Voting”. Paper prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. August 30-September 3, 2006.
- “The Global Economy, Competency and the Economic Vote”. Paper prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. August 30-September 3, 2006.
- “Competency Signals in a Crowded Political Context”. Paper prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. August 30- September 3, 2006.
- “Competency Signals in a Crowded Political Context”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 20-23, 2006, Chicago, Il.
- Roundtable presentation on ”Economic Voting” at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. September 1-4, 2005.
- “The Global Economy in a Competency Model of Economic Voting”. Paper prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. September 1-4, 2005.
- Roundtable presentation on ”Multi-level Modeling” at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Il. April 7-9, 2005.
- “The Politics of Property Rights?”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Il. April 7-9, 2005.
- “Context and the Economic Vote: A Multi-level Modeling Approach”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Princeton Conference on Multi-level Modeling, Princeton University, October, 2004.
- “The Economy: Do they get it Right and does it Matter?”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Il. April 15-18, 2004.
- “Property Rights: The Wrong Message or the Wrong Messenger?”. Paper prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia. August 28-31, 2003.
- “The Micro-Foundations of the Economic Vote in Comparative Perspective”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Il. April 3-6, 2003.
- “The Micro-Foundations of the Economic Vote in Comparative Perspective”. Paper prepared for presentation at the workshop on “Modeling Electoral Choice in Europe in the Twenty-First Century”. ECPR Joint Sessions, Edinburgh, March 28th to 2nd April 2003.
- “Globalization and the Latin American Political Economy”. Academy of International Business. Houston, Texas, March 7, 2003.
- “Stability of National Economic Evaluations in Hungary and the United States”. Paper pre- pared for presentation at the Southern Political Science Association Meeting, November 7-9, 2002, Savannah, Georgia.
- “Comparing Perceptions of Economic Reality: Developed versus Transition Economies and Democracies”. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Il. April 25-28, 2002.
- “It’s How You Play the Game: Self-Interest, Social Justice, and Mass Attitudes toward Transition to a Market Economy”. Paper prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. August 29-September 1, 2001.
- “The Economy: Do they get it Right and does it Matter?”. Paper prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. August 29-September 1, 2001.
- “A Multi-national Online Experiment: Preliminary Assessments of the Results and the Methodology”. Paper prepared for presentation at the 2001 meeting of the Economic Science Association Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, June 21-24, 2001.
- “It’s How You Play the Game: Self-Interest, Social Justice, and Mass Attitudes toward Transition to a Market Economy”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Il. April 19-22, 2001.
- “The Economy: Do they get it Right and does it Matter?”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Il. April 19-22, 2001.
- “It’s How You Play the Game: Self-Interest, Social Justice, and Mass Attitudes toward Transition to a Market Economy”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society, San Antonio, TX, March 9-11, 2001.
- “The Politics of Global Economic Inequality in the New Millennium”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society, San Antonio, TX, March 9-11, 2001.
- “Heterogeneity in Accuracy of Economic Perceptions”. Paper prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, September, 2000. Washington, D.C.
- “Heterogeneous Perceptions of Economic Conditions in Cross-national Perspective”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Special Conference on Institutions and Economic Voting, Trondheim Norway, April 7-12, 2000.
- “Fact or Fiction? Group Differences in the Accuracy of National Economic Perceptions”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, April 27-30, 2000, Chicago, IL. (co-authored).
- “Roundtable on Methodological Problems in Comparative Politics and International Relations Research”. Southwest Political Science Association Meetings, Galveston, Texas, March 15-18, 2000.
- “The Politics of Global Economic Inequality in the New Millennium”. Paper presented for presentation at the Re-thinking Democracy in the New Millennium Conference, Houston, TX, February 16-19, 2000, Omni Hotel.
- “Theory Drift in Economic Voting Models: Perhaps the Economy Doesn't Always Matter”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Innovations in Comparative Methodology Conference, Texas A & M University, College Station TX, November 5-6, 1999.
- “Multiple Veto Players as Democracy-Preserving Institutions?”. Paper prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, September 2-4, 1999. Atlanta, Georgia.
- “Theory Drift in Economic Voting Models: Perhaps the Economy Doesn't Always Matter”. Paper prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, September 2-4, 1999. Atlanta, Georgia. (co-authored).
- “Stability of National Economic Evaluations in Hungary and the United States”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, April 15-19, 1999, Chicago, IL. (co-authored).
- “Information Pre-requisites to Economic Voting in Consolidating Democracies”. Paper presented at the Workshop on ”Political Institutions: Intermediaries Between Economics and Politics” at the European Consortium of Political Research 1999 Meetings, Mannheim, Germany.
- “Economic Transition and Coalition Accountability in Post-Communist Regimes”. Paper pre- pared for presentation at the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies Convention, September 24-27, 1998, Boca Raton, Florida.
- “Economic Transition and Coalition Accountability in Post-Communist Regimes”. Paper pre- sented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, 29 August - 2 September 1998.
- “Tactical Voting in Post-communist Democracy”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Mid-west Political Science Association Meeting, April 23-25, 1998, Chicago, IL. (co-authored).
- “Modeling Economic Assessments amongst Different Population Groups in New and Mature Democracies”. Paper prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 28 August – 31 August 1997, Washington, DC.
- “Conservative Voters in a Post-Modern World”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, April 10-12, 1997, Chicago, IL. (co-authored).
- “Shaping Party Systems: Evidence from Hungary”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, April 10-12, 1997, Chicago, IL. (co-authored).
- “Comparing Economic Realities and Voter Responses”. Paper presented at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, 29 August - 2 September (co-authored).
- “Economic Crisis and the Institutional Prerequisites for Democratic Failure”. Paper presented at the 1996 Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 18-20, 1996.
- “Attitudes toward Pan European Institutions: When does the Economy Matter?”. Paper pre- pared for delivery at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, San Diego, CA, 16-20 April 1996. (co-authored)
- “Bargaining in the European Union for Access to Markets for New Technologies”. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, September 1-3, 1995.
- “Economics and the Vulnerability of Pan European Institutions”. Workshop on the Economy and Political Behavior, Center for the Study of Institutions and Values at Rice University. April 22-23, 1995.
- “Consolidation and Legislative Coalitions: Models of Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia”. Paper for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 6-8, 1995.
- “Cultural versus Institutional Explanations of Democratic Performance in Western European Nations”. Paper for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 6-8, 1995. co-authored.
- “Institutions, Civic Virtue and Democratic Consolidation in Former Communist Regimes”. Paper presented at the 1994 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New York, N.Y., September 1-4, 1994, (co-authored).
- “Markets and Democracy: Institutional Renegotiation in Post-Communist Regimes”. Paper presented at the XVIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association, 21-25 August, 1994, Berlin.
- “The Electoral Connection and Democratic Consolidation”. Paper presented at the XVIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association, 21-25 August, 1994, Berlin.
- “The Political Economy of European Democracies: Regional Institutions and Democratic Performance”. Presented at the ”Workshop on Political Economy of Regionalism Workshop” European Consortium of Political Research Sessions, University of Madrid, Spain, April 17-22, 1994 (co-authored).
- “The Political Context and Voting Turnout in Comparative Perspective”. Presented at the Workshop on Rational Actor Models of Political Participation” European Consortium of Political Research Sessions, University of Madrid, Spain, April 17-22, 1994.
- “Institutions, Economic Chaos and Regime Stability”. Paper presented at the 1994 Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 13-16, 1994.
- “The Nature of Preferences for Institutional Change in the Former Soviet Union: A Postscript”. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., September 2-5, 1993.
- “Industrial Policy: Panacea or Synoptic Delusion”. Roundtable Discussion, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., September 2-5, 1993.
- “Participation in the New Democracies of East and Central Europe”. Paper presented for Delivery at the Institute for Political Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, August 20-21, 1993.
- “Markets versus Democracy: Institutional Choice in The Democratizing Nations of East and Central Europe”. Paper presented at the 1993 Annual Meeting of Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, March 1993.
- “Where to Go? Exploring the Decision to Migrate from Eastern to Western Europe”. Paper presented in the Robert Miles Workshop ”Inclusion and Exclusion: Migration and the Uniting of Europe”, European Consortium for Political Research Twenty-First Annual Joint Sessions of Workshops, Leyden University, The Netherlands. April 2-8, 1993 (co-authored).
- “Speculations on Democratic Capitalism in the Republics of the Former Soviet Union: Insights from Spatial Analysis”. Paper presented in the Josep M. Colomer Workshop ”Rational Models in European Comparative Politics”, European Consortium for Political Research Twenty-First Annual Joint Sessions of Workshops, Leyden University, The Netherlands. April 2-8, 1993.
- “The New Democratic Activists in the Former Soviet Union”. Paper Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Ill.: September 3-6, 1992 (co-authored).
- “Post-Materialism and the Economic Condition”, 1992 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 9-11, 1992 (co-authored).
- “The Origins of a Democratic Culture in the Soviet Union: Models of the Acquisition of Demo- cratic Values”, 1992 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 9-11, 1992 (co-authored).
- “Economic Chaos and the Fragility of Soviet Democracy”, Maurizio Cotta Workshop, Between continuity and innovation: pluralistic party systems. European Consortium for Political Re- search Twentieth Annual Joint Sessions of Workshops, University of Limerick, Ireland. March 30-April 4, 1992.
- “Tolerating Economic Reform: Popular Support for Transition to a Free Market in the Former Soviet Union”. Paper Delivered at The Political Economy Workshop at the University of Houston, April, 1992.
- “Economic Chaos and the Fragility of Soviet Democracy”, 1992 Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, Austin, Texas, March 18, 1992.
- “Post-Materialism and the Emerging Soviet Democracy”, 1991 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C (co-authored).
- “Support for Rights in Western Europe and the Soviet Union: An Analysis of the Beliefs of Mass Publics”, Meeting of International Political Science Association, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July, 1991 (co-authored).
- “Political Culture and the Emerging Soviet Democracy”, 1991 Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, June 1991 (co-authored).
- “Democratic Tolerance in the European Community”, 1991 Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June, 1991 (co-authored).
- “The Crisis of Democracy: Soviet Political Participation in Comparative Perspective”, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April, 1991 (co-authored).
- “Political Intolerance in the USSR: The Distribution and Etiology of Mass Opinion”, Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Seattle, Washington, March 21-23, 1991 (co-authored).
- “Democratic Values in the USSR”, delivered at ”The New Soviet Citizen: Public Opinion and Politics”, Benjamin F. Shambaugh Conference, University of Iowa, November, 1990 (co-authored).
- “Cultural Values and the Transformation of the Soviet Union”, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September, 1990 (co-authored).
- “Political Consciousness in Europe: Cross-National Models of Attitudes Toward Democratic Rights”, paper presented at the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Berkeley/Oakland, California, May 31-June 3, 1990 (co-authored).
- “Elitist Theory and Political Tolerance in Western Europe”, paper presented at the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 5-7, 1990 (co- authored).
- “Cultural Barriers to European Integration?: A Cross-Level Analysis of Democratic Tolerance”, paper presented at the 1989 Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Madison, Wisconsin, June 8?11, 1989 (co-authored).
- “Telephones and Generals”, paper presented at the International Telecommunication Society 7th International Conference. Cambridge, MA. June 19?July 1, 1988.
- “The Political Economy of Communications Development”, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Communications Association. Chicago, April, 1986 (co-authored).
- “Public Enterprise in Developed Capitalist Economies”, paper presented at the 1985 Annual Convention of the American Political Science Association, August 29?September 1, 1985.
- “Regulatory Structures and Technological Constraints”, paper presented at the Midwest Polit- ical Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 18?20, 1985 (co-authored).
- “The Impact of Judges on the Strategy of Regulatory Delay”, paper presented at the Association for public Policy Analysis and Management, New Orleans, October, 1984 (co-authored).
- “Is the FCC Exporting Revolution?”, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwest Social Sciences Convention, March 22?23, 1984, Dallas, Texas.
- “The Effect of the AT & T Consent Decree on the Telephone Equipment Market”, paper presented at the Fourth Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, October 28?30, 1982, Minneapolis, Minn.
- “An Analysis of Subsidies to the French Food Processing Industry”, paper presented at the Annual Midwestern Political Science Association Meeting, Cincinnati, 1981.
Academic Lectures and Symposia
- “How Digital Trace and Machine Learning Have Revolutionized Social Science Methodology” Keynote Speaker Tex-Mex 2019 Methodology Conference, Rice University, Houston, Texas, March 22-23, 2019.
- London Behaviour Political Economy Workshop. London School of Economics, March 1-2, 2019.
- Poverty and Inequality Working Group. Evidence in Governance and Politics. Georgetown University, Washington D.C. February 22-23.
- “Coalition-Directed Economic Vote and the Finance Minister” Political Science Department, The European Center, Stanford University, February 19, 2019.
- “Behavioural Insights to Political Economy from our Global Subject Pool” Keynote Speaker 2019 Sheffield Workshop in Political Economy, University of Sheffield, U.K., January 25, 2019.
- “Escuela de Carabineros: Direccion estrategica y habilidades directivas” Workshop on Experi- mental Methods, Santiago, Chile, December 10-14, 2018.
- Nuffield Centre for Experimental Social Sciences and World Bank, Measuring Tricky Things Workshop, Nuffield College Oxford, September 6-7, 2018.
- “Making Sense of the Macro-economy by Recovering Redistribution Preferences”, Political Science Department, University of Essex, May 8, 2013.
- “Happy Politics in Context”, London School of Economics Centre for Economic Performance Well-Being Series, 1 May, 2013.
- “Insights into Responsibility Attribution for Macroeconomic Outcomes”, Boston College, Inter- national Economic Policy and Political Economy Series, February 25, 2013.
- “Locating Economic Perception: The Geographical Distribution of Responses to Economic News”, Conference on Spatial Modeling, Texas A&M University, February 23, 2013.
- “Does Shared Responsibility Breed Unfairness?”, Political Science Department Speaker Series, University of Essex, 24 April, 2012.
- “Does Shared Responsibility Breed Unfairness?”, Invited Speaker Political Science Department Georgia State University, 19 April, 2012.
- “Private versus Public Other-regarding Preferences and Redistribution”, Experiments for Ex- port? Behavioral Experiments in Latin America, Experimental Economic Center, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, 20, 2012.
- “Election Campaigns, Public Opinion and the Financial Crisis of 2008-2010 in the U.K. and Germany”, Political Consequences of Economic Crisis: Voting and Protesting in Europe since 2008, George Washington University, Washington D.C., April 17-18, 2012.
- “Does Shared Responsibility Breed Unfairness?”, Invited Key Note Address at the XIII Higher School of Economics April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia. April 3-5, 2012.
- “Does Shared Responsibility Breed Unfairness?”, Invited Speaker Economic Departments Uni- versity of East Anglia, March 1, 2012.
- “Does Shared Responsibility Breed Unfairness?”, Political Science Department Speaker Series, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. 2 September, 2011.
- “Experimental Investigations of Responsibility Attribution for Collective Decision Making in Coalition Governments”, Juan March Institute, Madrid, Spain (October 28, 2011).
- “Responsibility Attribution for Collective Decision Makers”, Hertie School, Berlin (October 13, 2011).
- “Leveraging Experimental Methods to Testing the Micro-Foundations of Comparative Vote Choice Models”, Essex University Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis (July 13, 2011).
- “Strategic Ideological Vote”, LSE Political Science and Political Economy Conference on ‚”De- signing Democratic Institutions‚” London School of Economics (March, 2008).
- “Strategic Ideological Vote”, University of Mannheim Conference on ‚”Voters and Coalition Governments‚” (November, 2007).
- “Context in Forecasting Electoral Outcomes”, European University Institute, Conference on “Electoral Forecasting Models: Experimentations, Results and Recent Advances” (September, 2007).
- “Strategic Economic Voting”, Political Science Department, UCLA (February, 2007).
- “Strategic Context and the Economic Vote”, European University Institute, Conference on Contextual Effects in Electoral Research (November, 2006).
- “Competency Signals in a Crowded Political Context”, Trinity College, Dublin (November, 2006).
- New York University, ”Political Context and the Economic Vote”, April 24, 2006.
- “Economic Voting”. Guest Lecture, Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, November 18, 2005.
- “A Contextual Model of the Economic Vote: A Comparative Perspective”. Guest Lecture, Nuffield College, Oxford University, Oxford England, May 23, 2003.
- “Why the Economy?”. Guest Lecture, University of Indiana. Bloomington, Indiana. November 22, 2002.
- Presentation of Three Nation Public Opinion Poll Results (Argentina, Colombia, and Venezuela) for The James Baker Institute‚ Americas Project 2002 Conference entitled ”The Political Consequences of Economic and Political Turmoil in Latin America”, Rice University, October 26-28, 2002.
- “Comment les gens perçoivent-ils l’économie? Ces perceptions sont-elles justes?”. Guest Lecture Université de Montréal, Montréal, February, 2002.
- “The Economy: Do they get it Right and does it Matter?”. Guest Lecture, University of North Texas, Dallas, November, 2001.
- “The Evidence for a New Politics: A Sober Second Thought”. Conference on the Political Economy of Parliamentary Government in Europe. European Forum Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, June 9, 2001.
- “How Citizens Decide: Information, Persuasion and Choice in Developing Democracies”. Conference on Democratic Performance, Center on Democratic Performance, Binghamton University, Binghamton, N.Y., June 6, 2001.
- “Eyes Wide Shut? Accuracy of European Economic Perceptions”. Guest Lecture, Trinity College Dublin, May, 2001.
- “Eyes Wide Shut? Accuracy of European Economic Perceptions”. European Forum Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, January, 2001.
- “Political Factors Shaping Regulatory Policies in the European Union”. Conference on Regulatory and Anti-trust Policies Shaping New Technologies in Europe. European Forum Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, October, 2000.
- “The Politics of Global Economic Inequality in the New Millennium”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Re-thinking Democracy in the New Millennium Conference, February 16-19, 2000.
- “Theory Drift in Economic Voting Models: Perhaps the Economy Doesn't Always Matter”. Paper prepared for presentation at the Innovations in Comparative Methodology Conference, Texas A & M University, College Station TX, November 5-6, 1999.
- “Theory Drift in Economic Voting Models: Perhaps the Economy Doesn't Always Matter”. Symposium in Honor of Investiture of James L. Gibson, Washington University, St. Louis, September, 1999.
- “The Elusive Goal of Cross-national Survey Data”. Presentation to the workshop on ”Cross-National Data Collection”, Texas A&M University, November 21, 1998.
- “A Postmortem on Civic Culture and Democratization: The Eastern European Experience”. Conference on Civic Culture in Post-Communist Societies Centre for European Studies Nuffield College, Oxford, April, 1996.
- “Economic Crisis and the Institutional Prerequisites for Democratic Failure”, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, April, 1996.
- “Is Nationalism a Threat to Democratic Transition?”, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 30, 1995.
- “Coalitions and Institutional Renegotiation in Post-Communist Regimes”, Social Choice Seminar, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, October 31, 1995.
- “Observations on Studying the Next Decade of European Public and Elite Opinion”. Presented at the Conference on European Public and Elite Opinion, December 2, 1994, organized by the U.S. State Department, Washington, D.C..
- “Markets and Democracy: Institutional Renegotiation in Post-Communist Regimes”, George Washington University, October, 1994.
- “Markets versus Democracy: Institutional Choice in Post-Communist Regimes”, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin Fur Sozialforschung.” Berlin, December 17, 1993.
Presentations - General Audience
- Eight Annual Trade & Supply Chain Solutions Conference. London. Invited panelist. ”The Currency of Global Trade: Familiar Phrase, Redefined?”, June, 2011.
- Bank of Finland/SUERF Conference. Helsinki. Invited panelist. ”Housing Markets – a Shelter from the Storm or Cause of the Storm?”, June, 2009.
Conferences Organized
- Convener of the Sixth International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (IMEBESS) at the Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2-4 May 2019.x
- European Political Science Association (EPSA) Annual Meeting, Barcelona, 20-22 June, 2013.
- “CESS Conference on Reason and Decision Making”, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, 4 May, 2012.
- European Political Science Association (EPSA) Founding Workshop, Dublin, 18-19 June, 2010.
- “Cooperative Campaign Analysis Workshop”, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, August 8-9, 2008.
- “Theoretical and Empirical Contributions to Modeling Context in the Vote Decision”, Nuffield College, University of Oxford. June 1-2, 2007.
Recent Professional Positions
- Associate Editor, Journal of Experimental Political Science, 2012-2016.
- Board of Editors, Political Science Research Methods, 2012.
- Coordinator, Nuffield Centre of Experimental Social Sciences/Essex University Summer School in Experimental Economics, 2010.
- Executive Director and Board Member of the European Political Science Association, 2010.
- Member of the Kellogg/Notre Dame Award Committee (for the best paper in Comparative Politics presented at the 2011 Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting), 2011.
- Chairman of the American Journal of Political Science Best Article Award Committee for 2010-2011.
- Founded (along with John Huber) the American Political Science Association Powell Graduate Mentoring Prize, 2010.
- Co-chair and Organiser of Conference in Honor of Bingham Powell, University of Rochester, 2010.
- Chairman, Riker Political Economy Book Award Committee, 2010.
- Member of the Gregory Luebbert Best Book Award Committee, 2010.
- Associate Editor, American Journal of Political Science. 2006-2009.
- U.S. National Election Study Planning Committee. 2004.
- Political Culture Section Chair, Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago, March, 2003.
- Comparative Politics Section Chair, Southern Political Science Association Meeting, 2002, Savannah, Georgia, November 6-9, 2002.
- Comparative Politics Section Chair, Western Political Science Association Meeting, Long Beach, CA, March 2002.
- Comparative Politics Section Chair, Southwest Political Science Association Meeting, Fort Worth, Texas, April, 2001.
- Comparative Politics Section Chair, Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago, March 1999.
- National Science Foundation Political Science Advisory Panel. 1999-2001
- Chair, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Advisory Committee on International Issues. 1999-2001.
- Editorial Board of the American Journal of Political Science. 1997-2001.
- Co-coordinator, Re-Thinking Democracy in the New Millennium Conference, Houston Texas. 2000.
Book Reviews
- “The Policy Challenges of Globalization: What Should Government Do?”, Review of Daniel Cohen, The Wealth of the World and the Poverty of Nations; Paul Krugman, The Return of Depression Economics; and Gary Burtless, Robert Z. Lawrence, Robert E. Latin, and Robert J. Shapiro, Globaphobia: Contronting Fears about Open Trade. Thunderbird International Business Review (July-August 2001).
- “Value Change in Global Perspective”, Paul R. Abramson and Ronald Inglehart. American Political Science Review.
- “Canada: The State of the Federation 1985”, edited by Peter M. Leslie. Publius Winter, 1987.
Fellowships and Awards
- Best Article Published in Journal of Politics, Southern Political Science Association, 2011.
- Luebbert Best Book Award, American Political Science Association, 2009.
- Awarded the Best Paper in Political Economy Presented at the 2006 American Political Science Association Meeting. Award presented by the Political Economy Section of the American Political Science Association. 2007.
- Robert H. Durr Award for the best paper (delivered at the 2001 Midwest Political Science Association meetings) applying quantitative methods to a substantive problem. 2002.
- Canada Council Graduate Scholarship (Three Years) 1978-81.
- INCO Canadian Studies Scholarship (University of Rochester) 1976-1982.
Research Grants
- Co-investigator scheme application. SNSF Advanced Grant 2023. Title: “Can talking to machines improve financial decision making?”. Value: 1,257,987 CHF.
- Collaboration/Co-Investigator. REAL Centre, research unit funding 2023. Title: Research and Economic Analysis Unit of Demand for Health and Social Care (OxREAD). Value: £3.725m.
- “Improving Sampling in Experimental Research using Multi-Mode Samples and MRP” Innovations for Poverty Action Call for Advanced Research Methods in the Social Sciences (with Mats Ahrenshop). Value: $21,000.
- “Auditorias, informacion y rendicion de cuentas: Un Experimento en los efects de informacion de corrupcion en los votantes” Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Value: £8,000.
- “The Effect of Accountability on Clientelist Politicians: Examining Centrally-Led Independent Government Audits and Elections” FONDECYT Regular 2020. Value: £64,000.
- “The Effects of Audit Policy Design and Information and Accountability” University of Oxford Strategic Priorities Fund QR. December 2019. Value: £23,746.
- “A Global Perspective on Financial Literacy,” The Fell Fund. August 2017. Value: £30,374.
- “Experimental Methods to Analyse Educational Policies on STEM and Vocational Education,” Newton-Picarte Fund. August 2016. Value: $20,000.
- “Innovating Behavioral Experiments on the Internet”, Google Faculty Research Award, August 2014. Value: $63,913.
- “The Mediated Economy in the 2008 U.S. Elections”, The Nuffield Foundation, £7,500, 2008.
- “Theoretical and Empirical Contributions to Modeling Context in the Vote Decision”, British Academy, 2007. £2000.
- “Micro-Foundations of Economic Development”. Grants to Enhance and Advance Research, University of Houston, $8,500. 2003-2004.
- “The Political Consequences of Economic and Political Turmoil in Latin America”, 2002. The James Baker Institute and the University of Houston. Amount: $50,000.
- “Collaborative Research: Why the Economy? The Micro-Foundations of the Economic Vote in Comparative Perspective”, National Science Foundation 2002-2004 (SBR-0215633). Amount: $100,272.
- Research Experience for Undergraduates Award, National Science Foundation, 2000.
- “Attitudes to Democratic Capitalism: A Comparative Study of Political and Economic Reform in Africa”, National Science Foundation. 1997-2000 (SBR-9730464). Amount: $119,227.
- Evaluating Models of Attitude Change in the Period of Transition to Democracy and Free Markets in Hungary, National Science Foundation, 1996-1999 (SBR-9600306). Amount: $115,380.
- Economic Chaos and the Fragility of Democracy and Capitalism, National Science Foundation, 1993. Amount: $65,000.
- “Markets, Liberty, and Democracy in the Soviet Union: An Examination of the Cultural Requisites for the Political and Economic Transformation of the Soviet Union”, Texas Advanced Research Program, 1991. Amount: $75,000.
- “Democratization in the USSR: The Impact of Political Culture on Processes of Political Change”, National Science Foundation, 1991. (co-P.I.) Amount: $250,000.
- Goethe Institute, Houston. ”The Fall of the Berlin Wall: Prospects for Democracy in East Germany”, Conference held in Houston on November 8, 1990.
- “Cultural Values and the Transformation of the Soviet Union”, National Science Foundation, 1990. (co-P.I.) Amount: $30,000.
- “Cultural Values and the Transformation of the Soviet Union”, Dresser Foundation, 1990. Amount: $2,000.
- University of Houston, Limited Grant-In-Aid. ”Cultural Values and the Transformation of the Soviet Union”. January, 1990. Amount: $1,500.
- University of Houston, Limited Grant-In-Aid. ”Global Liberalization and Political Conflict”. May, 1989. Amount: $1,500.
- European Commission, Brussels. ”Cultural Barriers to European Integration?: A Cross?Level Analysis of Democratic Tolerance” (funding for inclusion of survey items on Fall, 1988 Euro- barometer). Fall, 1988.
- AT & T, New York. ”Cultural Barriers to European Integration?: A Cross?Level Analysis of Democratic Tolerance”, Summer/Fall, 1988.
- University of Houston, Limited Grant-In-Aid. ”The Legacy of the French Revolution in Modern French Political Culture”. May, 1988.
- “Western Europe and the Eastern Bloc Evolution of Postwar Relations”. Conference organized for the Center for Public Policy. Participants included Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, Walt W. Rostow, Harrison E. Salisbury and Helmut Sonnenfeldt.
- Houston Job Training Partnership Council. ”Houston-Galveston Area Labor Market Survey”.
Foreign Language Proficiency
- French (fluent)
- Spanish (fair)